Use this checklist to prevent your procedure from being cancelled or delayed.
When your procedure is scheduled
Arrange for someone to drive you home from Tri-State Surgery Center and to remain with you for 24 hours after your procedure. If you do not have a driver your procedure will be cancelled if your procedure requires anesthesia (medication to make you sleepy).
If pre-testing is required get this done as soon as possible. All results must be faxed or delivered to the surgery center prior to your procedure. FAX:(724)225-7626
If you take a medication to thin your blood, ask your surgeon’s office if you need to stop it. It may need to be stopped up to a week in advance. This includes: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Pepto Bismol, Alka Seltzer Cold Plus, Aspergum, and more. If you have questions about a specific medication contact your surgeon’s office.
The Day before Surgery
You may eat solid food and drink liquids until midnight. Do not eat or drink after midnight unless otherwise instructed.
Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours prior to surgery.
Take your medications unless otherwise instructed by your physician. If diabetic, call your physician for special instructions concerning your medications.
Please bathe/shower and remove nail polish.
Call your physician if you develop a fever, cough, cold, or flu-like symptoms.
Follow “special” instructions from your physician. Notify your surgeon’s office if you have artificial/acrylic/gel nails and are scheduled for surgery on your arm, hand or shoulder.
The Day of Surgery
Arrive at the Tri-State Surgery Center at the specified time.
Arrange for someone to drive you home and to stay with you for 24 hours after your surgery or YOU MAY RISK CANCELLATION OF YOUR PROCEDURE.
Wear comfortable clothing that is easily removed.
Do not wear jewelry, leave all valuables at home.
Do not wear make-up or nail polish
Do not wear contact lenses, bring your glasses and a case.
You may brush your teeth and use mouthwash, but do not chew gum, use breath mints or cough drops.
We recommend that your family member/driver remains in the waiting room until discharged. Snack and beverage machines along with free Wi-Fi are available for their convenience.
e cards and photo ID
A list of all prescriptions, over the counter medications, vitamins and herbal supplements that you are taking including their dose and frequency
Your co-pay and/or deductible required by your insurance.
Any forms and/or papers from your surgeon
POA Papers (for elderly patients)
parent or legal guardian(with papers) (for patients under 18)
If you use crutches, a cane or a walker please bring them
Following your Surgery
After your procedure/surgery you will be taken to the recovery area. The length of stay will depend upon the type of surgery and anesthesia you received.
Upon awakening, you will progressively move to sitting up, drinking clear liquids, and then be Your family/escort will be able to join you at this time.
If you are uncomfortable, please tell your nurse, if necessary, medication can be administered.
A nurse will give you with detailed instructions in regards to what you should and should not do during the days following your procedure/surgery.
In the event of a medical need, you would be transferred to another facility.
When you return home, do not hesitate to contact your surgeon immediately with any questions or any problems you may be experiencing. In case of an emergency, call your physician or go to the nearest emergency room.